Thursday, September 06, 2007

Harbour Activities in Victoria

I took a number of pictures of this little tug returning to harbour after doing its duty and I couldn't decide which to display. This one was the winner because of the water action in the foreground, caused by the boat's turning to dock.

I expect there are a zillion great photo ops along the strait. Don't you just love the succession of objects from near to far away?

One morning Beth and I walked the inner harbour for our start-of-the-day exercise and I got her to be a spot of colour in this magnificent resting place along the path. The tide was out as you can see.

Lots of sea planes found my lens but this shot was my best. Again, the red just makes it pop against the watery blue, a favorite colour.

Yesterday I showed a picture of one of the houseboats in the inner harbour. Today you can see a row of them docked more or less permanently along the south edge of the harbour. You really should try the fish and chip place close by as well.

This last shot is bathed in blue so, of course, I love it. Photography is pretty rewarding when you find such beautiful places as Victoria.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I don't think I've seen water bluer than that. The red plane against the blue is beautiful!