Sunday, October 14, 2007

Garage Sales

Yesterday we had a big garage sale but didn't have as many people as I would have liked, though we made about $200 for a morning's time invested. Not too bad. My nephews were here overnight and helped get everything out of the house for the early birds. As soon as you put up the signs people come, whether you have the stuff out or not. A bit of a pain to this organization freak actually.
The day was cold though sunny and we needed cups of apple cider and hot chocolate to keep warm. My friend, Donna, came and helped out a lot--I am sorry to leave her when we move. Two of my sisters came with family and that was fun. I kept giving things to their kids, happy to see their faces light up with their treasures. Another little girl came across the street with her Oma and Opa (Dutch for Grandma and Grandpa) and I gave her some little glass animals and a cute wee vase all of which had belonged to our daughter a long long time ago, and seeing her smiling eyes was rewarding. Reminded me of Glass Menagerie.
Our house is starting to look a little bare, an exciting thing to both of us as we have just too much stuff. We haven't moved in 31 years so there has been way too much hoarding and saving going on. Purging is good.
We have decided to have another sale next Saturday as we still have piles of stuff to get rid of, good stuff, too. I should be putting it on E-Bay or something but don't want to take the time. So. Next Saturday, October 20, we'll be carting goodies out bright and early for our eight to twelve sale. See you there?


Mary said...

Moving is always exciting - a lot of work and planning, but fun.

We have moved out-of-state twice since 2002 and whenever we reached the point of living with boxes piled to the ceiling, I started to feel a sort of melancholy. I guess because the house didn't look like our "home" anymore.

Andrea Frazer said...

OH,good luck with the move. How exciting and melancholy all at once!