Wednesday, February 27, 2008

She's Here!

This morning at 7 a.m. we got a call from our son-in-law with the wonderful news that our baby granddaughter has arrived. Chelsea Paige is her name and she made her appearance just after 12:30 a.m. today, February 27. She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and a bit, a lovely weight for a baby as they're big enough you don't think you'll lose them in a pocket!

I hope I have the numbers relatively correct as I was pretty excited and may have muddled a bit. I so want to talk to my daughter just now but she is in Victoria and I am in Ontario so that isn't possible just yet. Having a granddaughter is pretty wonderful, especially now that we can put a name to her.

Last night I was working on finishing a cute little sweater for her but little did I know her mother was in labour as I was swearing over my knitting. I had purled almost a whole row when it should have been k2, p2 rib and I had to rip it out. Not a problem usually except the wool is a variegated colour with blues, greens and yellows as well as being very nubby. I could not see where the stitches were at all and ended up breaking the yarn inadvertently at one point. Ripping back about 40 stitches took me about 40 minutes. I did, however, finally get the collar ribbed properly while American Idols rollicked seventies music on the tv.

Today I will have lots of exciting things to do, calling people with the news, ordering a pink rose for my daughter and her daughter, to be sent to the hospital where they'll be for 48 hours. I am glad of that as she needs a little tlc for a couple of days, I'm sure. Anyhow, time to start the process. Hope everyone is up!


Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks, Pete. And thanks for checking my blog to which I have not been as faithful as I should have been lately. Soon.

Mo said...

Congrats, granny and all the best to Beth as well.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the proud grandparents!! What exciting news for all. When will you be venturing to BC to meet Chelsea?

KGMom said...

I'm with Pete--congrats. It's the only word that fits the occasion.
Now, enjoy.

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks to all for your lovely sentiments. we will be seeing Chelsea (and her parents) in a couple of weeks. It is hard to wait but we didn't want to book flights too early in case she was pokey appearing on the scene. Instead she came three days early!

Anonymous said...

How exciting!
I bet you can't wait to get there to see them both (not forgetting s-i-l!)
Hope you make lots of fabulous memories of this wonderful time!