Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It's Happened Again!

Serendipity. It's happened again. Not to me this time but I heard about it almost immediately through the magic of worldwide communication.

I just got an email from my sister-in-law here in Canada and she told me she had just had a call from her erstwhile sort of son-in-law who is in Dominican Republic on a holiday. He was in a grocery store shopping when he heard someone call his name and turned around to meet my sister, also in Dominican on a mission trip for two weeks. What are the chances of them both being so far away in the same place at the same time?

Years ago after we had all graduated from university one of my residence friends took off on a year long trip to Europe and we all kind of lost touch for a bit. Remember this was before the Internet so when someone went on a trip we had no communication other than telephone, very costly, and letters, very slow. On her honeymoon one of my other friends and her new husband were in the Louvre in Paris when they turned a corner and there was Kristen, studying a painting.

And have you ever picked up the phone to call someone, found dead air, tentatively said "Hello?" only to have that person you were calling be on the phone already, calling you? It is a little freaky if you think about it. Is there another dimension out there where some master puppeteer is pulling our strings, enjoying himself, or herself even, chuckling away at our puny abilities? Makes you kind of wonder, doesn't it?

1 comment:

KGMom said...

Oh I love serendipity--don't you?
I have had a couple of these chance meetings, in airports. And it always makes me think--let's see, there are how many billion people in the world, how many thousands of places to be. . .and yet we meet here.