Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Today I'm staring at this blank page and wondering what to write. It's time to write, I want to write but I'm caught in that loop of everything I think about seeming too dull. Does everyone feel that their life is just a little north of boring sometimes? Well, I'll try anyhow.

Here I am sitting at my laptop across from my husband who is on a company update call while sitting at his laptop. We are definitely in the tech world. We are lucky enough to have most of the month here in Arizona where the temperature hovers around 70 during the day. Pretty nice. Back home the temp is way below freezing and boots and mitts are required. I sit here in shirt sleeves and capri pants.

We went to the Phoenix zoo on Wednesday and saw lots of things but the most fun was watching granddaughter, Chelsea, almost two, as she discovered this new world. She lasted quite a while but towards the end of the 2 1/2 hours she got a bit cranky. We rushed the monkeys, the rhinos and the elephants and headed home for lunch. I enjoyed the walking, the absolutely perfect cool weather, and snapping my camera trying for that perfect shot.

Saturday we took the two-hour drive to Sedona, one of the most thrilling places to see in the world. It is stunning. Pictures will be coming when I can get them uploaded. Some technical difficulties here, unfortunately.

We've had lots of company here, Ron's sister and brother-in-law, my sister, and of course our daughter's family is here, too. It makes sitting by the fire pit at night, or going to the laid on events (name that tune, marshmallow things by the fire, and others) a lot more fun than when it's just the two of us. Kind of the best of both worlds.

1 comment:

Sue G said...

Well, if that life is boring, I say bring on boredom!!! Did not realize you were in Arizona for so long and with so many great people. Enjoy and hi to all!

P.S. Sedona is one of the most wonderful places I have ever been.