People really do respond when you ask them to be friends. I was totally enthralled with everyone's story and engaged in some twitter-type banter with friends and relatives. Fun.
And now there is only one more hour to be called morning; I have so much to do in that hour. First, I'll stop responding to Facebook notices. Then I'll get this post done. Finally, I'll finish my reading for tonight. That should take me up to lunch and all of those things are a pleasure.
Another task that took me away from my list was making picture CDs for Chelsea and Ben, my two grandchildren. I had to fawn over each picture, of course. They are the sweetest kids in the world, don't you know?
And the phone keeps ringing. Ron is not here today so I get to answer all the calls. Not that I mind. Being at home all day necessitates connections with the world and even though the phone is one of the older ways of being social, it's still my favorite. Nothing like hearing the voice.
Videoconferencing via one of the many methods is great, too, especially when it all works. This makes distances just shrink right up. My granddaughter and I have even developed a way to hug when signing off. It's not nearly so good as feeling her in my arms, but it's a great substitute. Would that she were living here. When is that time travel thing coming anyway? Beam me up, Scottie!
BTW, what better way to fritter time than watching this beautiful sunset on Vancouver's harbour when I was out there for my conference.
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