Sunday, June 18, 2006

A&W Memories

Yesterday my hubby and I were having a root beer at the new A&W on a nostalgia trip down the road to our combined past. This restaurant has recently opened in our area and we have made two journeys there so far, the first on a wind-whistling frigid February day and the second yesterday in the 33 C heat. We looked forward to the frosty mugs, the tinkling ice and the cold crackling fizz of the root beer in the throat yesterday far more than in February! We sat at our diner-days table and sipped on the root beer, cold but, regrettably, not in a frosty glass, and remembered the night we went to the A&W in our pj's many years ago.
We were living in London in our first apartment, just newly married and learning how to live together. For the most part this was easy but occasionally problems would come up. On the night in question we had some kind of falling out as we were getting ready for bed. I can't remember the cause and I probably wouldn't write it if I could but we quarrelled, I cried, my sweetie consoled and we made up. So there we were lying in our pajamas, wide awake, and wanting to end the night on a happier note.
"Let's go to A&W!" hubby spouted.
"We'd have to get all dressed again," I answered.
"No, let's just go like this."
And we did. We put on our coats and hopped into our '61 second-hand Pontiac Laurentian and drove downtown to the A&W, pulled up to a parking spot and the carhop appeared at the window. We giggled as we gave our order and laughed out loud when she disappeared. Apparently she didn't notice our attire. Soon we were sipping from frosty mugs and eating burgers and fries, happy again with each other and delighted to be sharing this small joke.
As we approach our 40th wedding anniversary we both still remember that night and our funny way of settling our argument at the A&W in our pj's!

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