Thursday, June 22, 2006

Blessing or Curse?

Is it a blessing or a curse? I ask myself this question often. Why? I have to continuously find new things to interest and challenge my mind. No matter how intriguing the idea, eventually it goes as stale as doughnuts in a smoking-allowed bakery. So here's the question, is my need for new and exciting ideas a blessing or a curse?
Take my dark blue sweater, for instance. You know, the one I started knitting eighteen months ago, had to have help figuring out the pattern, worked diligently on for 6 1/2 months, and haven't touched now since its warmth was too hot on my lap a year ago! You heard me--a year ago! I am so close to the finish line. Why haven't I gone the distance?
And then there is the antique Singer sewing machine in the basement which I bought several years ago, could picture refinished, started the stripping, researched how to fill in the chipped spots, and lost interest. I am very close to the end on that one, too.
On the positive side I have explored many exciting paths while those projects sit. I have learned to write my music on my PrintMusic! software. I have compsed a few new songs and revamped several old ones, printing them out beautifully and even creating a book of my compositions. I have made a king-size quilt from start to finish with fabric I purchased in Arizona and with the help of several elderly ladies who met in my basement over six weeks to teach me the trade and to work away till we finished the quilt. My hubby and I had it on our bed all winter and it kept us toasty warm.
I took two pottery couses and mastered to a small degree the great challenges of controlling the clay in my hands on the wheel and just doing pinch pots. All of it a combination of great frustraton and final elation. The glazing was very interesting as I never really knew how my mixtures would fire. Sort of like deciding to have children. None of us know how our mixture will bake up.
As I write this I think I've answered my own question because these things were great fun to do and I feel such a sense of 'job well done' when I see my row of beautiful pottery, wear one of the latest beaded bracelets I've made, or sit down to sing out of my very own songbook. Now all I have to do is embrace the blessedness of change, throw out those ideas of 'finish what you start' and just recognize as wonderful blessings those various flying moments of new discovery.

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