Friday, September 08, 2006

The New Day Awaits

As I gaze out my window this morning I can see...well, not much. In the foreground the orange branch of the soft maple my dad planted thirty years ago is flanked by leaves still green. Beyond I can see only white nothingness, with the two shadowy wraith-trees across the road looking eerie in the gloom. To the left a limp flag tries to move in the still milkiness. Everything is waiting for the sun.

And as it waits I wonder. Should I put the fertilizer on the back yard this morning or is it going to rain? Look at the forecast, you say. Yeah, right. It's always bang on. I would like to get this job done and get the spreader back to the store. What to do? I know! I'll do some house cleaning of my kitchen cupboards! Doesn't that sound exciting? At the very least I'll have made a decision and be doing something useful.

So much of our lives we agonize over making a decision. For me making the decision is not the problem but making the right one is. Are you like that? Always wanting to do the right thing? I know the successful business people say to just make the decision and then go with it. You'll make mistakes but it's better to move on decisively than to continually be vacillating. I know I always feel better once I've decided and can attack the new idea with vigour.

So. The waiting and wondering is over. The fog has lifted and I'm going to start my day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Elaine, I like this post! Took me back to my Ontario visit to look out your window with you. And to consider the decisions I make everyday when I get out of bed, well, I find it pleasant most of the time, but it's nice to share the thought with you. Off I go, there's seminar reading a-calling me... bye for now ! Trish (from, currently, Texas : )