Monday, September 04, 2006

Holiday Weekend

The words conjure up fun, fun and more fun. A weekend is always great and a holiday weekend of three whole days suggests something wonderful. Now that I've got you wondering, I'll tell you about our saga so far this Labour Day weekend.

Friday night we decided that if we were going to have rain for much of the weekend we'd do some inside stuff. What would be a useful and satisfying project? We hit Home Depot for some floor tiles, a bathroom sealer ring and some stick down the tiles stuff in preparation for solving the leak in the bathroom. We had scoped it out and figured the sealer ring was needing replacing. No problem. We could do that and we'd replace the flooring at the same time.

Bright and early Saturday morning, I reached behind the toilet to turn off the water tap. As soon as I began turning, water spurted out between the threads. I got it off but began to think. Maybe this was the leak and not the ring? We would have to turn the main water off. Where the *&^%## was that? Hubby headed for the basement and searched around. (We are not really that handy, you see.) After a few minutes he called me down and we reasoned out that there were two turny things on a significant pipe coming from the floor so they were probably the shutoff taps. Which one to turn? Better call Jim. He came over and verified our thinking.

With the house water off, the 'boys' went up to the bathroom to tackle the project. Relegated from second-in-command to not really needed, I sat at my computer and checked e-mail. In no time the 'boys' were downstairs chatting and not in the bathroom at all. I went down to check and they were sitting in our most formal living room having a lovely visit! Meanwhile the water was off, the project halted. I sized up the situation and hesitantly wondered out loud what they were doing. Apparently they couldn't see how to proceed so hubby would go to the hardware store. We sat for a few more minutes. Anxious to get things going, I couldn't sit. I went to the kitchen to tidy up, turned on the tap and got.......nothing! "The water is off in the whole house, you know." I raised my voice. Luckily the men-folk jumped up and started to move.

Long story short, with more info we decided we weren't able to tackle this job, would need a plumber, and would need a different project to tackle for the weekend. Why not paint hubby's office? It was needing a spruce-up and this rainy day we needed a purpose. Off to Home Depot again to take back the toilet stuff from yesterday and get paint for the office. This project worked well and by 8:30 Saturday night the painting was done and we were relaxing watching our anniversary video on tv.

By Sunday the rain had dissipated, the room was reassembled, and we went out for brunch at a fantastic spot in Stratford--Madelyn's. We took company along and had a great time, enjoying the day as the weather got more and more clear. Blue skies were emerging after the rains of tropical storm Ernesto. By Sunday night we felt very accomplished what with our refurbished room and 22 quarts of peaches put in the freezer for the winter.

And we still have today! What are we doing, you ask? We're taking our bikes to Simcoe and riding the Lynn Valley trail to Port Dover. Hubby hasn't done it yet and I long to do it again. Should be wonderful. See you in Dover!

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