Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Victoria is More Than a Queen's Namesake

Queen Victoria would be proud of her namesake, British Columbia's capital city overlooking the strait of Juan de Fuca access to the mainland. Victoria is a jewel of a city large enough to have a host of pleasant diversions yet small enough to still nurture many intimate neighbourhoods. In the harbour opposite the famed Empress Hotel, we came upon a number of houseboats quite unlike any we had ever seen before. Here is a view of one of them.

On a sunny delight of a day during our visit to Beth's, we walked the strait once again. I took this shot because the patch of coloured weeds seemed to want to be famous.

There is a place along the walking trail where the trees grow overhead. Beth snapped us there in the sun.

When I played Ado Annie in "Oklahoma" I met a phrase that has stuck with me--flotsam and jetsam--and this seems to embody it. Of course the lovely heron, my all-time favorite bird, is using the seaweed swirls for his fishing.

I thought this view was spectacular with its foreground of magenta and green and the soft aquas of the water and sky. Looks like a great painting, doesn't it?

Today's measure of memories is complete but I have more for you tomorrow. Victoria is truly a city of endless beauty.


Mo said...

These photos are a lovely breath of fresh air. Stunning scenery. And great news about Beth. Congrats, granny to be :-)

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks, Mo. Gotta love how life just keeps moving forward!

Mary said...

Good to see you!

Beautiful shots. Lovely weather. Just great!