Friday, December 07, 2007

The Softer Side of the Year

Today is a short post as I celebrate with you the softer side of the year--the time when friends stop on the street to spread Christmas greetings, when neighbours share a cup of cocoa or some fresh-baked cookies, when we all have something to think about other than our busy rushing lives. The kids are cuter, the lights are brighter and the smiles are gentler. There's a softer spot in my heart, for sure.

Click on the link below for a lovely soft oasis of good feeling.

Happy Holidays, Everyone!


Mary said...

Hi Elaine,

Thanks for that nice message.

Congratulations on being an expectant grandparent! That's so exciting and a wonderful thing to look forward to.

I hope your move goes very smoothly. We have moved out-of-state twice since 2002, so I understand the piling of boxes and living with the smell of cardboard for so long :o)

You must be very excited right now. I find moving makes me have temporary bouts of sadness until I'm moved out of my old home and into the new one.

Andrea Frazer said...

How's the home going? Are you going to do a tree or is it too much with all the unpacking. Or a menora? Or whatever it is you celbrate??? Happy holidays if I don't say so again before then.