Monday, March 09, 2009

Weekend Wonders

We had a productive, interesting and relaxing weekend, mixing work with play and just enjoying ourselves. I took another picture of our bedroom paint job, this one with the pictures up. My husband did that while I was in Victoria a couple of weeks ago. If you look closely (at the second photo below) you'll see a bit of a theme happening in our condo.

While the man in the house worked on our income taxes--ugh!!!--I touched up the edges and woodwork of this paint job from last weekend. The colour is called 'Queen' and I thought it was fitting as I feel like a queen in our new place. We had quite a time rigging scaffolding to be able to reach everywhere above the staircase which winds at the top, making the job extremely difficult. Imagine me reaching the crown molding atop a ladder which we set up on the scaffolding and which Ron held to make sure it didn't slip while I did my magic above. Whew! Glad that's done. Next time we hire that area, I think.

After a relaxing drive for an hour or so on Sunday afternoon, we rented Australia and spent almost three hours watching it. Such a good movie. The images of Australia and the little 'creamie' have a way of staying in your mind. Next we sipped soup at Tim Horton's on the way to my concert in Embro. Ron took some pictures but they are not as good as we'd like because of the dim light.

We have a ladies' choir and a young men's choir, which we combine to do some joint numbers. We are small but pretty good, I think. Everyone has a passion for the music and a love of performing something special. Our director, my sister, is in the front row above at the right. She has a music degree from UWO and has made music her life so the quality is excellent. Almost all of the choir members have taken private lessons and are performers in their own right. The young men's choir has four members who have grown up with the choirs, moving from the children's choir (no longer active) to the young men's choir. Their voices have grown up, too, and with the addition of the other two, the sound is smooth and sure. I love to listen to their vitality.

I had e-mailed several people I thought might be interested and was delighted to see so many of them in the audience. We all had a snack downstairs afterwards, a great way to revel in the excitement of having performed well. (At least they told us so.)

This picture was taken in practice; hence, Director Linda is not in the picture as she was back a few rows listening to the acoustics. BTW can you find me in these pictures? Oh, a game!


TAL said...

The room looks great. I can only imagine you trying to work your magic on the crown are definitely a trooper!

Great job.


Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks for the kucos, Timothy!

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Oops, I meant thanks for the kudos, Timothy! I am getting way to used to having a good spell checker, I can see.

Elaine Cougler Author said...

ok. this is too funny. I need to start proofing before I hit the publish button. ('too' is what I meant in the comment above.)