Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Swan River

A week or so ago, on a sunny Sunday, Ron and I decided to take a drive to Stratford and do our usual circle walking around the beautiful Avon river. It has so many wonderful memories for us that whether the day is cold or hot, sunny or 'seasonal', we love to get out and hoof it.
Imagine how happy we were to arrive by chance about a half hour before the annual trooping of the swans, a regular spring thing for Stratforders. We tried to join in last year last year but on the appointed day the river was still covered with ice, leaving no place for the swans to, well, troop.
We started our walk on the far bridge heading for the less-traveled path on the far side of the river.

Can you see that spring is just itching to get out and green up here?

And this big old tree elicited some discussion between us as to what its age might be. Do you have a guess? Oops, sorry. I don't know the answer.

We made our way over to the more popular side and found ourselves in huge crowds. This kid up in the tree reminded me of Zacheus, short fellow that he was, scrambling up in a tree to have a better view of Jesus.

We stood in the three-deep crowd for a few minutes and waited but I didn't like the tight standing room. There would be no place for me to get an unobstructed picture of the swans when they finally waddled their way down the street to the river. We moved away from the crowds and stood looking back for the swans.

Here they come! Oh, it's only one. Is that all there is? People around us were disappointed.

Then the black pair set sail and the show started in earnest.

That got things going and a whole, well, troop of swans tumbled into the river. Yay!

It was like the waltz of the sugar plum fairies, only on the water. Now I understand the term Swan Lake!

Amazingly a few of the swans paired up. Someone near said there are only three or four pairs allowed on the river. As the others pair off apparently they are moved to other water places to prevent fighting among them all for supremacy. Ah, the swans are just like people. Too many cooks in the kitchen, etc.

We moved to the little bridge access to the island and the swans just kept swimming, heading for who knows where.

A number of them couldn't keep from swishing their wings and trying to fly, but of course their wings would be clipped to keep them from leaving the Avon. They are a big tourist attraction.

I tried to get this centre pair doing the heart swan picture thing, with their two heads together, but wasn't successful.

Are they not magnificent? So stately and serene. Just makes me relax to watch them.

And here the whole gang got in a flurry to fly in their joy to be out on the river again.

Come swim with me, they seemed to be saying.

Oh, I want to take right off! Watch me, guys!

The larger view.

And we continued on our walk, accompanied this time and for the rest of the summer by the swimming swans under the beauteous blue sky.

If you haven't yet found Statford, Ontario, put it on your bucket list. Oh, and you might love the fabled Stratford Festival Theatre located adjacent to this natural joy.

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