Thursday, April 16, 2009

Susan Boyle Sings Into History

This morning my husband told me he had sent me a you tube video that was amazing. Since he mentioned it a couple of times, as soon as I sat with my breakfast at my computer I opened the link. Incredible! Susan Boyle, an unknown 47-year-old from Scotland absolutely stunned the studio crowd watching Britain's Got Talent, and the cynical, smart-mouthed Simon Cowell broke into a broad smile which only left his face when his chin dropped in utter amazement. Way to go, Susan.
I've now listened to Susan enough times that her solid throaty voice rings in my ears and her down home smile, frumpy hair, kind smiling eyes and yellow taffeta dress have become iconic. This unemployed woman now has a career.
The studio audience was unkind in its laughter at Susan when she appeared and as she answered Simon's questions. Play the link above and you'll see. But as soon as the music rang out and Susan started to sing, mouths gaped and hands began to applaud all over the hall. How quickly the crowd can change its mind. I thought of the inate ability humans have to recognize quality in others. For all our cynicism, our worldliness, our snappy, jaded comments, when something really good comes along, we SEE it. We drop our put-on personalities and we give a genuine response.
Susan, you seem like a lovely, ordinary, wonderful lady who has lived life simply. You've never even been kissed! How fantastic that this miracle should occur for you. And good for you for having the guts to face down that negative vibe in the studio and sing for your life. Oh, yes. That's what you did, because your life will never be the same again. That voice will be heard all over the world. Yay, Susan!

1 comment:

KGMom said...

Hi Elaine--haven't heard from you for a bit, and -- true confession -- haven't been checking in at your place regularly.
My husband also sent me the Susan Boyle video link, then last week the national news here picked up the story.
I think everyone's being surprised says more about us than it does about Susan Boyle. I hope she doesn't pursue fame to the extent that it robs her of her natural charm just being who she is.