Monday, May 04, 2009

Waiting and Hoping

Three hundred and seventy-six pages, about 102,000 words, and a lot of loving work--here is my first novel: Loyal to the Crown.

I have the final revised novel out to eight previewers and am somewhat on pins and needles. My work over two years is out there, not for the world to see yet, but certainly for a wider circle than just me. I have talked about this writing project with my family but have not really given them much to read, except for the first chapter to my daughter for her opinion on a problem I was having.

So here I am. Waiting. Waiting to hear from the helpful and ambitious previewers. Hopeful. Hopeful that they will have good suggestions and give the work close scrutiny. Of course, I want them to love it but I also want them to be truthful with their comments. This is a tightrope for them to walk, I know, but necessary.

I gave my work to my husband a few days ago with instructions just to read and enjoy it. I didn't really want to put him in a critical position because that would be difficult for both of us. Well, he read it in a couple of days, rushing back to it whenever he had a free moment, and now we talk about specifics and he can see what I've been doing for two years. Last night he made a special point of coming to me and telling me he was proud of my accomplishment. Pretty nice. Think I'll keep that guy!

Over the two years of researching, writing, revising, taking courses, forming a writing group, and bringing this book to its current place in my world, I have changed. My whole life I have been outwardly confident, full of strength and vitality but inwardly too shy to talk of my composing or writing forays. Well, that has all changed. Not long ago I even filled out a form and listed my occupation as 'writer'.

While waiting my typing fingers are not idle. I have an idea for a sequel to "Loyal to the Crown" and am starting to put my thoughts into rough notes. Also I have a memoir in mind, some parts of which I have already thought out as well. Now I am going to get back to the business (and fun!) of writing. Wish me luck, please.

A parting shot--the new 23" monitor my husband bought me on the weekend!

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