Ok, the Yarn Harlot just made me feel a lot better. After a frustrating night of memory lapses at rehearsal I have been pretty low this morning. After all these years I still suffer from two things: a desire,wish, yen, NEED for perfection, and the aftereffects of health issues 16 years ago which make memory work mostly impossible for me. (A tough go for a singer!)
I realized as I sat and mentally kicked myself for ever taking this role--What was I thinking???--that if everyone else just did their lines perfectly I would most likely be fine. Not too comforting. In houses across the county they are probably thinking the same thing! Oh, to have that photographic memory thing going on. But it is dead.
So, rather than sit and cry, I tried yet again to come up with a strategy. Here it is: Drink a lot and avoid the problem. Ha ha. Not really. I tried the writing it out thing. Good. Then my wonderful partner ran scenes with me over and over, just the two of us till I was comfortable. Better, because I got to sit with no book and just my fidgety brain to figure it all out. Going with no book is so scary, make that SOOOO SCARY. So I think from here on in I just have to do it a million times with no book, no slips of paper, no nuthin. (Oops, slipped into the play vernacular. Maybe that's good?)
After we got that first major scene nailed, I came in here, sat down to my blog and looked for one to cheer me up. Ah, the yarn harlot. She is hysterical, actually in both senses of the word for the blog I read: funny and losing it. Her house problems made my day. Have you ever noticed that whenever you have a problem, discovering someone else with a worse one makes you feel so much better? Not sure what that says about my character but there it is.
After this harangue, you, too, probably need a chuckle. Click here for the yarn harlot's take on life. And BTW, if you are so inclined, say a prayer for Mrs. Pye. (me)
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