Sunday, March 28, 2010

February in Victoria

This year, 2010, we were lucky enough to escape some of the Ontario cold winter, first with three weeks in Arizona in January and then three weeks in Victoria, BC, in February. During that time we spent 5 weeks with our granddaughter, loving every minute of it.

One day we took Chelsea to Butchart Gardens for yet another peak at picture perfect. Here Chelsea snapped this picture on my camera and it is just as good as the one I took. She is two and I am considerably older!

I managed to get Beth and Chelsea in a tender moment below: A picture is most definitely worth a thousand words.

In the Japanese Gardens this characteristic red bridge jumped out of the winter landscape and made up for the lack of flowers in this season.

Here Grandpa is helping his little sweetie down the steps. Not sure who was having more fun.

A little before her birthday we had to fly home so Chelsea got to open her gifts from us a little early. Predictably, the wrapping was quite a hit.

One day we took the car down to look over the Strait. As we sat in the car and relaxed, Ron had a wee nap while I watched for photo-worthy subjects. I found a few:

This is Mount Baker a sight we have rarely seen as often the mists obscure it. Such a treat.

These are some of the many kites we saw flying over the cliffs along the Strait. Aren't they joyous?

Someone here found a spot to think and to be the focus of my scenic shot.

So many of us look into the distance, hoping to see what we cannot see or find what is out there. Obviously the dog and its owner found different points of interest.

Often Victoria's splendor is dampened in February but not so this year. In three weeks we had only about 4 days that saw rain or clouds all day. The rest of the time was either sunny in the morning and right through or became sunny as the day aged. By the way, I took Chelsea to the park several times while there and one day saw a Chinese man unabashedly stepping through his tai chi exercises. Gotta love multiculturalism--another part of Victoria's beauty.


idham said...

you are very lucky to live in victoria, there it has a very fast internet connection, but in malaysia, it was very bad, slow internet connection..(T-T)
it is also have 4 season there but not in malaysia..okay, thats all

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks for your comment, Idham. Internet truly does enable us to talk to the world!

Mo said...

Beautiful photos, Elaine. Hope you haven't had as severe a winter as we've had in Scotland. There was fresh snow in the mountains last night!