Friday, June 10, 2011

Taking Pics in NFLD

Today we did the Bonavista peninsula and I got to try out my iPad2's picture taking capabilities. So there I was in bright sunlight looking at this picture postcard scene on Bonavista's waterfront right after touring a Parks Canada National Heritage site. In the lovely seaside building all fixed up in the recent past, we got the table by the window as we're traveling before the big tourist push. Outside, lovely rich blue buildings beckoned on a promontory across the way and seagulls dipped and swirled above the near waters of the cove. It was wonderful and I took a bunch of pictures which I am sure will be very good.

Then I got an idea. Why not get my iPad2 out of the car and get a pic that would be easy to put in my blog tonight. Sounded so easy. My imaginative brain churning away. Here are the pictures:

I particularly hate the last one with the spectacular view of the car dash. And what about the large expanse of stony foreground with hardly any of the picturesque buildings in the background? Not nearly as beautiful as what I have for you after I get home. Sorry.

The problem was I could not see what I was shooting. The screen was 98% black in the sunlight. So much for that experiment. Kind of like taking your laptop outside and trying to see the screen.

Coming soon to a blog near you? Elaine's awesome holiday pictures of Newfoundland.

1 comment:

preeti said...

Its nice to take the pics in NFLD.