Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Colourful California

Today I give you three shots from California. This first is of the grounds at the Marriott hotel on the property where we stayed in a timeshare two-bedroom unit. All of it was wonderful but this lovely scene shows the standard we've come to expect and enjoy at the resorts Marriott owns. (I sound like I work for them!) We do enjoy knowing the place will be wonderful wherever we go if we stay at Marriott timeshares.

While in California we visited the Living Desert where we found animals of many species, the ones from Africa really catching our attention. This giraffe below we all took turns feeding and then I stood back snapping pictures, looking for that one special one. Here the giraffe is smiling for me, I think.

Finally for today, here is one of the beautiful sunsets I captured out our dining area window. In the foreground is the golf course which you can't see in this shot, but didn't the sunset streak beautifully?

California was special in many ways: the palms, the cool climate with no snow!, and the time we spent with our Shades of Bliss daughter and her husband. The Palm Springs/Palm Desert area had lots to entertain and enthrall us. I'll be writing more about it in the days to come.


Sara said...

Loved your photos and your post about the snow and ice. My son James would be so jealous, he dreams of snowy days, having only experienced about half a dozen in his 9 years. In the UK we have been forecast snow tomorrow. He is soooo excited.

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks, Sara. I also loved your comments on Scotland, a place I have barely stepped into on our journeys, but one on my list. I'll be checking your blog out often.

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Hi Sara. I must apologize as I just realized I confused you with Mo and, hence, my comments make absolutely no sense to you. Where are you in the UK? I am not sure where Gloucester is. Anyhow, thanks for your comments. I have just talked to Beth on the phone and she has told me you are a regular blogger. I look forward to checking out your blogs. I'll put more snow pics on for your son.