Saturday, January 20, 2007

Now I've been tagged!

Checking out my daughter's blog I learned about her being 'tagged', meaning she was asked to write about ten things that define her style. Wondering exactly what that was I read through the list, nodding my head at times and aha-ing now and then. When I got to the end I was thrilled to read her comment about her mother--me!--and that she has tagged me to do the same exercise. I love sharing this part of my daughter's life. So here is my list of ten things that define my style:
1. Hubby and I breathe pride when we think of our two children and the adults they have become. They are both really great people, loving the world and themselves. I like to think I had something to do with that; in fact raising them has been my crowning achievement.
2. Organizing my life is very important to me. I like things in their place and often borrow hubby's label maker thing to put neat, precise titles everywhere, although I haven't gone to Beth's level. She labeled their whole closet so every item has its own hanger and spot.
3. I am a singer and love to soar on the high notes. Having a special high part to sing in a choir anthem is joy to me. I thank my mother for my voice and my love of music.
4. Beading my pretties is my latest passion, another thing in my quest for creativity. I have often said there will never be enough time for me to try all the things I want to learn and so far I have learned knitting, crocheting, sewing, pottery, knitting by machine, plaquing, photography, composing music, and many different computer-assisted creative projects--the list is as long as my life will be.
5. I chuckled when I saw Beth's comment about being slow to accept a new idea. I am that way with gifts. My hubby is a very thoughtful gift-giver, taking great pride in ferreting out unusual things. I open them and wonder where he got that idea and what will I ever do with that, but soon I think about it and realize that he knows me better than I know myself and that gift is perfect for me.
6. I love people. I love to laugh with them and to study their uniqueness. And, as I've gotten older, I am much more patient with and understanding of their ways of doing things which might differ from mine but are still awesome.
7. I struggle with my weight. For the last thirty years I have put on and taken off those same 25 pounds numerous times, now realizing that food gives me life but I seem to lack the ability to keep my consumption to just eating to live, rather than sliding over into living to eat. It all tastes so good!
8. I married just before I turned 20 and am still married to the shining light of my life. He is my rock and I am his. We need each other but more than that we delight in each other. Lucky we are!
9. I delight in teaching things to people. Over the years I have taught high school French, English and Computers, along with a smattering of Business subjects. I have also directed choirs and taught adult courses, both things giving me a lot of pleasure. The latest thing I did was help my friend in Arizona learn a few new things on her computer--how to set up and use Messenger, how to import a recalcitrant email file, and how to use Windows Explorer for a few things. It was fun!
10. I am quick to answer and to suggest ways to do things. This has been good but I notice I am becoming much better at letting others speak first. Maybe I am more comfortable in my own body and don't need the rush of knowing the answer first. So maybe wisdom does come with age. I hope so. I'll be watching for it!

PS. I'd like to tag Trish to write about 10 things about her style. She is a world traveller, a seeker of answers, a student of the world and I know she will have wonderful things to write. Here's to you, Trish.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Nice post! Thanks for doing it - I learn a little bit more each about you as I read your it! PS I must protest - I haven't labelled everything in my closet, just my pants (I couldn't see which ones they were on the lower shelf in the dark!) hee hee