Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Singing my life songs

I'm back composing music again. I got the idea for this one around Christmas. It's all about the Christmas story and how parts of it are just not easy to believe. Oh, not the virgin birth--I can accept that--but the fact that anyone would send out soldiers to murder all the boy babies under 2 years of age just to be sure to get the one child, Jesus. It's unthinkable.

The good thing about this story is the passion it gives me to use in the lyrics and the music. I love matching the form to the meaning, having the accented beat in the bar fall on the most important word, and letting my own passion for the subject run free as my hands roam over the piano looking for the next phrase. And then I love to stop the action, change the beats in the bar, use a caesura for emphasis--all that great stuff.

I feel like I'm reaching deep within myself to express exactly how I feel. Oh, I know I love to talk in a crowd and have little trouble getting my point across, but in writing there is no one interrupting and I can pause to think about just exactly the best phrasing to use. Then when I have the song all finished I can print out a wonderful copy, professional looking, and with my name as the composer. What satisfaction. My first performance of it is for my number one fan, my hubby. He is so supportive and likes to be part of all I create. Then I like to send it to Beth for her to play. She now has the software so I could probably send her the file if I wanted.

My only sadness is that I don't have the drive to push my music to the world. How wonderful would be the feeling of hearing a famous person singing my songs. Maybe some day. Meanwhile I keep writing and learning, printing and binding, singing and feeling, and finding new ways to express myself--and that's a very good thing.


Sara said...

Hi Beader Girl, have just been catching up on your blog. I loved all your recent posts. Would like to say more but it's bedtime in the UK and my husband is looking slightly miffed at my several hours of blogging this evening!

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Hi Sara
Thanks for your comments. I know what you mean about blogging eating up all your time.........