Thursday, July 19, 2007

New Things in the Neighborhood

"Good thing grow-ow-ow in Ontario." So goes the ad song promoting Ontario produce and today I thought I would apply it to some things in my home town. Below is the winding creek which lazes its way through our town providing beauty and a natural fish habitat. Here the level is dangerously low for the fish, but allows the rocks to poke into the picture.

This past year or so a committee of volunteers has been resurrecting a park which used to be used for ball games and had a wonderful old bandshell erected on it. With the advent of a new, bigger ball park and the removal of the tumbledown bandshell, the park had been idle for several years. The next pictures show what this ambitious committee has accomplished.

The play equipment sits on a large square of wood chips so deep that it feels like walking on a mattress. There are many kinds of apparati ranging from the high and exciting to the low and imaginative. Here is a truck/seat for just sitting and rocking.

I like the way the designers have integrated active muscle play with using the brain. Every climber has walls close to the ground with activities to read about and then do. Very cool.

This closeup shows one such activity.

In the early evenings this summer these playthings have been covered with happy kids accompanied by watchful parents who sit on the benches and visit. Seems like a bit of old time neighborliness going on, wouldn't you say?


Mary said...


A nice park like that was a lifesaver for me when I had a little girl. We visited the park every day, even during the coldest winter months. We had a nice walk to get there, too. It not only provides fun for kids, but they socialize, learn, exercise, and the parents do the same. Cheers for the committee!

Love that winding creek.

KGMom said...

Lovely little creek in the first photo. Looks heavenly.

Mo said...

The wood chips are such great things in playparks. I had so many skint and bruised knees from playing when I was a child.