Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January Joy

Yes, I know, it's colder than billy-be-damned but if you look there are some positives that come along with the freezing temperatures. On Sunday my son and I tried out a new trail here in the city. He took a picture of me sitting on this bench (covered with snow!).

The day was so cold, even with the sun out, that we were glad the trail was only about 15 minutes long. It will be a beautiful one in the spring as it has a long bridge over a lot of swamp and trees.

This morning I rushed out the door to make my Weight Watchers meeting and what did I find? A wonderful winter day with blue skies and trees clothed in shiny snow and ice. I wished I had time to just go walking right then but I needed more clothes on for that. As it was I took a couple of pictures outside the meeting place. Here is a tree in front. Look at the beautiful ice! Just gorgeous.

In front of the door I managed to capture this frosty fellow before I ducked in for the meeting.

And it was a good day all around, I was down another pound. That makes a total of 16.6 pounds so far. I have 13.4 pounds to go, if I keep my original goal. Happy day!

1 comment:

Beth said...

"billy-be-damned"? did you just make that up? hee hee. cute.