Sunday, November 23, 2008

Snowy November

This is a very unusual November. Usually we don't get snow of any account here in Ontario until December and often not much until January. I can remember many a year hoping for a white Christmas and not getting it. But the last couple of years have been snowy. So much for the planet warming up!

On Friday snow was falling all around. You can see the flakes if you look closely above our forlorn picnic table which hadn't quite made it inside with the rest of the summer furniture.

My teddy bear on the front door is drooping sadly from last year's snow. Time to do something to spruce him up!

Across the street the shelter for the mailboxes sits, empty and useless, while beside it the mailboxes still wait to be moved. Took months to get the shelter built, guess it'll be spring before we actually get to use it.

And on the back deck our useless barbecue waits for better times. (i.e. warmer) We never did get it running this summer. I think it is on its way to the dump.

But inside, cosy and cuddly warm, I wrap presents and put them under the tree, anxious to be ready for our first Christmas celebration on the first Sunday in December. Oh, I'm doin' the Christmas thing.

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