Friday, November 28, 2008

Bits and Pieces

On Tuesday, I wrote about my dread of weighing in at Weight Watchers but I made myself go anyhow. Guess what? I was down a pound. One tiny step closer to my goal. Now this just goes to show that I need to trust myself and not be second guessing all the time. How many of us get caught doing the same thing?

We think that quiet and serious person over there who never cracks a smile has something wrong in her character or doesn't like us. She is so aloof that we wonder what she is thinking. And then when we finally get to know her we find she's really quite a nice person. Not aloof at all, just different. She is shy and takes a while to warm up to people. I have a saying that I read somewhere and adopted as my own. "I don't like that person. I have to get to know her better."

Someone sends us an email which reads pretty sharp and we think they are angry with us. Later we find out they just don't realize how cold email can be and they really didn't mean to convey angry thought at all. A few years ago a family member for months sent all his emails in caps until I told him that was shouting in email language. He never did that again. He just didn't know how we were perceiving his messages.

At this time of year, Christmas, there are many messages both phone and email, which go back and forth between my husband, my daughter and my son and I am not part of them. For years I felt a little left out until I finally realized they are planning something for me! Now I just smile and let them do their plotting, secure in the knowledge that they have something good in mind.

And now I must set about my day. First thing is to plan healthy, nutritious meals so that I won't be so worried come Tuesday and I will have left a tiny bit of myself somewhere else, not on the scales!


JeanMac said...

Terrific post. Good luck with your goal - not easy,I know.Thanks for checking in on my blog - appreciate it. Jean

KGMom said...

Weight is such a funny thing--on days that I am SURE, just SURE I have gained--I weigh myself. And either I am holding my own, or am down a pound. Then, when I am so sure I have lost, I weigh myself--up a pound. Rats!

By the way--my word verification word--dings. Oh yes--the dings of weighing!