Sunday, July 30, 2006

Positive Self Talk

What is that? Positive self talk? Remember when you looked in the mirror and moaned about your burgeoning belly? Or your red acne? Or your short neck? Well, those things are negative self talk and we are all really good at it. I have decided that the real goal of my life is to learn to live with who and what I am. Not only to live with me but to like the attributes that are me.

For instance, I have to be pleased when I look at my chubby arms or when I see my hands growing beautiful liver spots. And I am ecstatic when I consider the grooves in my shoulders caused by a lifetime of holding up my boobs, or the lovely red-coloured veins sprouting on my thighs. Oh, it all makes me so happy!

Really, you say? Well, of course I remember the skin that was, and the two-piece bathing suits, with fond affection, but I try to concentrate on the good things about growing older: the power to plan my days how I want them, the many decisions that are all mine, the time I can spend doing my beading, or writing songs, or playing the piano, or talking to my intimates, or going to the gym, or swimming laps in my pool, or biking/hiking/liking all I do. It's a great life and if my physical attributes do not look as good as 40 years ago, they all still work, allowing me to do what I want. For that I am profoundly grateful. In fact, I'm positively grateful!

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