Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Holidaying in Victoria

Since Monday I've been here in Victoria with my daughter whom all of you know as Shades of Bliss and that's what we've been having--bliss. Beth picked me up at the airport Monday afternoon. Since then we've eaten, hiked, eaten, took pictures, hiked, eaten, toured downtown on a touristy bus ride, eaten, and talked through gallons of cranberry/raspberry juice. Isn't having grown-up kids simply wonderful?

Victoria is still lovely but especially so this time as the flowers are blooming everywhere and the sunny skies of blue provide a perfect backdrop. Beth's house, new to her, has a lot of azaleas and other flowers which are blooming beautifully and we spent an hour or two trying to identify some of them. The first year in a new house that's what you do--let everything come up and see what's there and then decide what you'll keep and what you'll change. For me this is particularly interesting as there are varieties we don't see in Ontario.

This morning we got up very early--and drove all the way to Port Renfrew and down to Botanical Beach. We had thought we were in for a sunny trip to the tidal pools but as we wound around the road to our destination, the skies became cloudy, then dark, then full of mist and fog. Of course we had planned to do this today so there was no turning back. When we started hiking down the trail to the beach a light mist was falling and we were reassessing our clothing decisions. I had put on a short-sleeved shirt, vest, and a light windbreaker with my jeans. Beth had donned a short-sleeved tee shirt and a hoodie sweat shirt. We were under-dressed for the weather but determined to carry on, regardless.

The trail was rocky but easy and we were soon down to the beach. This is not a beach like I know a beach. There is no sand. Instead huge rocks, smoothed by generations of tides sweeping in and out, are filled with hollowed out bowls where reside dozens of species of ocean life. We saw many things that were new to us and also some we could name. Amazing!

Heading back around the bend of the beach we were stopped by the footing but not before I had taken a tumble and twisted my knee going down. Don't you hate that sickening sound of ligaments stretching to their limits? I was okay, thank goodness, although I'll have stiffness there for a few days. We walked back through the wonderful old-growth forest trail, stopping to take great shots of nature's artwork. The last section rose uphill for many minutes, necessitating some stops but eventually we made it back to the car, two hours later than when we had left it. I was tired but exhilarated. What a wonderful foray into nature on this most beautiful island.

Note: I'll have to post the pictures for this when I get home to Ontario.


Anonymous said...

Oh what fun! Sounds like the mother/daughter visit is going wonderfully well! I hope that your knee isn't too bad. Hope the rest of the week is just as fun! Best wishes to you both!

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Hi Christa!
Great to hear from you. All is good here, knee included. We're having great fun. Hope you and Rob are super as usual.
Thanks for commenting:-)

Sara said...

Glad you're having a nice time. Look forward to seeing the photos. Has Beth got you out running with her ;-)

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about "The Secret" now? I haven't bought it yet. Let me know if you are enjoying and learning how to invest money. I can always say I knew you when...

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed reading about your trip! I will pass on your nice comments to my son's about their participation in the festival!

Talk to you soon

Anonymous said...

I've recently discovered your site curtesy of Sara. How I envy you your visit to Victoria and the Island, where I had my honeymoon almost 38 years ago and where we were to move until my husband was offered a job back in England. I had lived in Vancouver for 15 years prior to returning home but somehow the Island felt more like a home to me than the mainland. Enjoy the rest of your stay and hope the knee won't impact on your pleasure at all.

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks for your comments, all!--sara, steve, melanie, and theresa. I'm home, knee is good, sun is shining and all's right with the world.
Going away was great but coming home is great, too.
Melanie, I've kind of let myself down with actualizing the money. Seems other more exciting things take precedence. I think the main value of The Secret is the power of positive thinking. Any time we can lift our own spirits is a good time.
Thanks for reading my blogs and your good wishes, folks, and especially for commenting.