Thursday, May 03, 2007

Putting the Secret to Work

Every night for the last few weeks I have been reading The Secret, and am quite enthralled with its ideas; hence, my blog today is my plans for the two million dollars that I've believed into existence. (If you don't get that, read the book.)

First I have to have a plan to deal with the actual money. Should I just put it in a high interest savings account? Should I pass it over to our financial guy for investing? How much should I keep to spend? How much should I give to my kids? All of these questions are valid and have repercussions so I think I'll make an appointment with several financial people to get their ideas, and I'll also talk tax implications with our tax person. Oh,but the pressure of decisions! I think I have a few calls to make before I even decide how to take possession of this money.

The next question is about telling people. I hear there are many 'relatives' that come out of the woodwork when you get big money, so much so that people often go and hide, starting a new life somewhere else. And yet, I am so happy I can't stop smiling and people are bound to know something's up. Besides I don't know how I can keep from telling my friends and family and sharing in our excitement.

That leads me to the next thing--how much to give away and how to do it. There are people dear to me who need money, that's for sure, and there are those I would love to help, but how best to do it? Perhaps for my kids I'll set up some kind of fund that will pay them interest every year so that the pleasure of receiving the money can keep them happy for years to come, instead of just for a short time after receiving a lump sum. I have a couple of people I may secretly give money to but I won't even let them know where it came from so others won't be jealous.

And how to carry on living our life together? We are now able to work on the projects which interest and excite us, without having to worry about monthly bills. There are a couple of major things we will do on our lovely home and I'll buy myself a car again. I hope I can be judicious in my spending and not get carried away. We really need retirement security so most of the money is going into investments that pay us every month.

Finally I promise to stay happy and live a life of joy and abundance as I work the secret. You can, too!


sonia a. mascaro said...

Thank you for your visit and nice comment! I am looking forward to see your bookshelf's photos! Would be great!

Thanks for the link to "The Secret", I must to read it!

Last but not least, thanks so much for the link to my blog. I just put your blog on my list of "Blogs I like to read".

Mo said...

I've just bought The Secret too. Have just dipped into it so far. I'm still feeling a bit sceptical about it all but I am using it to manifest other things like health and happiness.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about buying "The Secret" but I haven't decided yet. I'm a little sceptical about it like Mo but just like anything else you read or hear. You take what works for you and move on. Thanks for stopping by my site beader girl. You put my bookshelf to shame. It's also a floor to ceiling bookcase with a TV in the middle. My mother also taught me the love of reading and being carried away into the story. My room is my sewing room I'll include some pictures today in my Happy Thoughts blog...gosh I talk a lot....