Friday, May 25, 2007

Worship at Cathedral Grove

Heading north from Victoria Beth and I stopped at a highway lookout point where I was intrigued by the patterns in the water here. I suppose we are seeing the currents relative to the depth of the water. Cool, eh?

At Cathedral Grove, found on the road across the island to Ucluelet, the big trees were waiting for us. My husband and I were here on our 35th wedding anniversary but it was raining and we didn't take the walks into the forest so I was anxious to do that this time. Along the highway you will find parking on both sides and signs to tell you where to go, but really, you'd just follow the smell of the trees.

The fresh greens at this time of year contrasted nicely with the well-trodden paths as we clicked away, capturing all we could of this spectacular place.

In the forest downed trees are left to rot and provide sustenance for new life as the ecosystem continually revitalizes itself. This makes the forest floor quite deep in places as the layers compound. In other places we saw bare spots where people have followed the path, such as below, by these uprooted trees.

I stood by this downed tree's giant root system, happy to be dwarfed by such awesome beauty. Well, I'm happy to be dwarfed by anything!

So now my memory banks have one more lovely thing to file away--our trek through Cathedral Grove.


freefalling said...

That last shot is incredible.
We are but mere dots, aren't we?

sonia a. mascaro said...

Just amazing these patterns in the water! What a wonderful view!

Love your photo seating at the giant root tree! Sounds you had a great time!

Have a nice weekend!

Mary said...

Beader Girl, these photos are wonderful! I enlarged each one of them and they took my breath away. The water patterns are beautiful. The size of those tree trunks! Thanks for taking me on a tour of a lovely place. And, it was nice seeing you!

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks for commenting, freefalling, sonia and mary! I have been having issues getting my email as our provider changed its address and my blogger stuff is still going to the old address. I have to retrieve mail from webmail. Anyhow, glad you liked the photos--it's a great spot to see.

Anonymous said...

What memories your photos evoked! We took our girls out to BC when they were pre-teens and they couldn't believe how big the trees were in Cathedral Grove - one of the most beautiful places on the face of the earth as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for sharing these.