Saturday, April 07, 2007

Ireland 4

This shot begged capture as the stone walls up front and marking off the fields in the distance are just so prevalent. I love the green variations and the texture of the stones.

Look closely here to see the minute road cut into the side of the mountain and also the dock at the bottom which we watched long enough to see a boat come in. Very beautiful and rustic spot.

Here a coastal panorama of small islands looks like sleeping whales in the water. The blues are so happy here.

A more modern castle is Powerscourt perched on a huge section of land, where we walked amongst flower beds and manicured lawns. It was very impressive.

In Dublin one day we saw this interesting building design so I crossed the street to pose for a picture. As my husband was waiting for the traffic to stop, a man approached me and wanted me to take a handout. His rubby look and his insistent poking the pamphlet at me made me refuse to take it. He tried again and I verbally said I didn't want it. Backing off he shouted, "Bloody Catholics!" and headed down the street and I realized I had stepped right into the middle of the Catholic-Protestant clash in Ireland. Isn't it interesting that he thought the only reason I didn't want his handout was that I must be Catholic? Other than that, we had no hint of the 'troubles' from anyone on our trip.

1 comment:

Mo said...

I've really enjoyed your Irish photos. Everything looks so green.