Thursday, April 05, 2007

More Ireland Photos

Here in a village south of Dublin, you see a bright red door which is indicative of an Irish custom. In Dublin lines of rowhouses have different front doors on each individual house. They are different colours often, but interestingly they are all of different architectural styles.

This is Kell's Priory--in ruins--but it reminded me of my reading about the Book of Kells, which we saw in Trinity College in Dublin. I had read all about it in Rutherfurd's 'The Princes of Ireland'.

Still at the Priory I had to get a photo of 'sheep butts' for my painter friend back home; hence, this picture.

There are many walking paths which delight a photographer. The green expanse reaches into your soul and soothes something unnamed.

Our day tour bus driver let us out along the road where we climbed a stile to get to this wonderful path. While he went on to the meeting place, we strolled this trail, camera in hand, loving the lushness of Ireland's greens.

You just have to love Ireland, eh? (That was a Canadian reference for all you readers from other countries. Ha ha.)


Mo said...

I love the Irish photos. Nice memories for me too. We were down in the Dingle Peninsula in 1991 - too long ago! There was a dolphin that used to hang around all the time called Funghi. I wonder if he's still there - or his offspring!

I've seen people kissing the Blarney Stone but wasn't brave enough either.

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks, Mo. Interesting that we all seem to go to the same places. I don't know why that surprises me, but it does show how similar we really are.
Hope your days are delightful!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Love, love those pictures! The 4# and 5# is just wonderful! Sounds you had a great time in Ireland!

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Hi Sonia! Yes, Of all our travels, so far Ireland is the favorite. We'd go back but there are so many other places to go first!