Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It's a Lovely Day Today...

Many would disagree since the weather is overcast and threatening rain, but on my walk home from the gym, I saw lots to inspire me:
1. The very pregnant robin whose distended red-brown belly made flying a wobbly experience. (Does she know how to combat adversity?)
2. A little bit of beautiful bright red in the struggling grass which turned out to be a plastic flower with bright green leaves. Someone had stuck it in the grass maybe to remind us of what's coming. Usually I don't like plastic flowers but this one cheered me on my way.
3. The porch on the house down the street had two barbecues on it, a sure sign of summer, although lots of us hearty Canadians barbecue all winter. Part of our weather-defying nature, I think.
4. A table with a plastic cloth on it and several tired lawn ornaments. It looked to me like someone was getting those ornaments ready for spring. We've all got the bug.
5. Finally and most exciting, I get to spend as much of my day as I like writing at my computer. Gotta love it!
Bottom line (ha ha) is: It's a Lovely Day Today so whatever you've got to do, it's a lovely day for doing it.........

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