Monday, February 09, 2009

Three Goods and Three Bads

Last week was a crazy mix of ups and downs. First we got the news that a friend's father had passed away, but since he had not been himself for a long time this was bearable. The next day I learned that a man from our church whom I'd known since I was a little girl dropped dead suddenly at age 75. I went to the funeral with my sister and returned home to have my husband tell me that my cousin was dead. She had had a cold which just got worse, she lost consciousness and quickly died, all in one week. That last was a real shocker as she had gone for medical help twice and they gave her antibiotics and sent her home. Two days after the last time she was gone.

Makes me wonder about the health care system we have when a relatively young (64) woman, in good health, can just be gone like that and no one seemed to think they should check into her symptoms further.

We went over to Michigan Saturday and Sunday and the sun shone lifting my mood and helping me to forget the crappy things of the past week. The temperature went up so that we were going coatless in the car and even shopping. The warmth and the bright sunny heat were such balm. Both Saturday and Sunday made me glad to be healthy and alive.

Birch Run was loaded with wonderful shopping deals and although we are not great shoppers both my husband and I took advantage. We bought twin pictures for over our bed (not up yet). He found two pair of pants at 70% off. I found three pair of pants that fit me and were really inexpensive, 60 % off. And, of course, I had to add three shirts to that as they, too, were 60 % off.

We had great food, lots of sleep, and lots of time to talk but Sunday morning was the best. We went to Bronner's in Frankenmuth. Years ago we had been there when our kids were young and we found it much changed. It was a fairyland. We wanted to look at front door wreaths and found that they were at the back of the huge store. Wandering from room to room I am sure my mouth was open and my tongue hanging out. Everything was gorgeous. We found ourselves singing along to Silent Night and Holly Jolly Christmas even though this is February. We were entranced. On our way out we went by a mom and little girl and heard her say, "I never want to leave here." We laughed at her innocence but also because we felt the same way.

Oh, the three great things? Sun, Run and fun--a lovely respite for both of us.

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