Wednesday, February 25, 2009

About the Stomachs

Last night we had a lovely supper with our son and daughter-in-law and their wee baby boy. Ben was pretty tiny when he was born before Christmas but I am pleased to report his growth has been excellent. He now has flesh under his skin and his cheeks are pleasingly rosy. He is quite beautiful, in fact. His grandfather and I take turns holding him, a joy for each of us. Ben opens his blue eyes wide when he is awake and takes in all around him, especially anything bright like the window or lights.

We took a Dairy Queen ice cream cake to celebrate our daughter-in-law's birthday and she was very happy. I bought the smallest one I could as all of us are watching our weight, but having a slice was a welcome treat. Leanne loves it so I hope she is able to be strong and not eat the rest of it in one sitting as she told us she would.

Our daughter-in-law is a great cook and had made a very good tuna casserole and a healthy salad for first course. I love when someone else cooks!

Today is my writing club and I leave in a few minutes. Imagine. A whole afternoon reading, listening and sharing writing with people who feel about it the way I do. It helps to spur me on with my novel revisions. I am hoping to have the thing revised and ready for the publishing world to fight over by April 1. Oh, better make that March 31 as I don't want to tempt fate by setting April Fool's day as my deadline.

I have begun to put out feelers for an agent. Also I need to do some research into online publishing as I have a website just waiting to be mounted, gifted to me by my computer guru son. Lots of exciting things out there.

Finally here is a card from Victoria's Tea Festival which I attended last week with Beth. Lots of fun, if a little heavy on the remarkable sweets offered at many of the booths. Try to take it in if you can next year.

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