Sunday, August 06, 2006

More of My Ontario

Posted by Picasa What's in a picture? In this picture are stories of our life. For instance, in the foreground you see 4 Muskoka chairs (not Adirondack--we're in Canada, you see) in vibrant colours that reflect the bright and varied personality of the person who painted them--hubby! Fittingly, those chairs lift up the heart and speak of fun.

And, of course, you see the sparkly blue waters of our pool, cool, refreshing and pretty. We love to look at it, sitting in the chairs, to swim in it, and to soak in it, letting the world worries ebb away. I swim my lengths there for the sheer pleasure of feeling the cool water slither along my body, refreshing me as I get my exercise. I feel clean when I climb out, as well as proud that I've done my lengths. There is a confidence attained when I look after my body.

Along the left side of the pool are slender cedars and various potentilla. They are planted in the midst of river rock to keep the weeds down. Guess you can see how I hate to weed! Further back is my rock garden, a splash of colour, varying with the plant season, showing primarily the black-eyed Susans I was given by a very dear friend. Like her, they are striking, original, and beautiful. Thanks, Olive!

Behind the fence, barely visible on this calm day, is our Canadian flag. One July 1st we had a great Canada Day party where we raised the flag for the first time. The warm weather that day was rained on a bit but people stood under the trees and the kids kept swimming--a great party to celebrate a great country. Hubby takes pride in keeping the flag fresh and flying high.

In the shadows cast by our two big maples are some lovely shrubs and our patch of green grass, small enough that hubby can cut it in about 10 minutes. He tears around the yard, pushing the mower, enjoying the movement and the clipped green lawn he creates. No riding mower for him!

Finally, to the right of the foreground you can just make out one of our original design benches, made from scrap lumber by hubby and me. He and I share projects according to our abilities with me doing the planning, him cutting the boards, and both of us working together to put it all together. Sort of like our lives. Gotta love that.

And so, this is another part of my Ontario, the part I walk every day, the part I call my home. May the sun always shine on it so brilliantly!

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