Friday, August 11, 2006

Morning Medley

Early this morning I woke up cool and pulled up the blanket, quickly drifting off to sleep again. Next thing I knew I was awake again and glanced at the clock. It wasn't there! Wondering where it had gone I forced my eyes to focus in the early morning gloom. There was the book I'm currently reading but, no, I couldn't see the clock. Brain flash. It was actually there but no red numbers popped out at me. The hydro was off.

I drifted back to sleep again thinking there was no point in me worrying about the hydro being on or off. Nothing I could do. Eventually I woke again, let myself drift to full consciousness, and started thinking about my day. What would I do? Laundry waiting for me in the basement, my day for the gym, swimming, work on Classroom Puzzler pages again--almost finished the Accounting book!, clean out some kitchen cupboards, write in my blog--what???--oh so many ideas floated through my head. And, of course, beading. I would finish off the set I started last night.

With the power still off, I made my breakfast--juice, vitamins, tall glass of ice water, fresh strawberries from last night--but couldn't make my hot chocolate in the microwave. Well, just put some milk over the berries. Suddenly the frig beside me started to hum and little beeps percolated through the house as the power came back on, just in time for me to pour my mug of milk and nuke it. Patience paid off. So often that is the way life is. You just keep going till the situation improves.

Off to the gym, now that the power is on! I look forward to making the treadmill do my bidding. Have a great day!

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