Thursday, May 31, 2007

Victoria Tidbits

This little guy is Calvin, Beth's adorable house sitter, whom we found nestled under the vellux blanket on my bed when we returned after sightseeing.

Overlooking the Strait of Juan de Fuca I discoverred this small inukshuk, which I proceeded to make appear large by getting up close and personal. Can you see the framed freighter out in the channel?

This is a view of the gardens on the south side of the Empress Hotelin downtown Victoria. I couldn't pass up these beauties.

On our trip back from Botanical Beach we stopped at Whiffen Spit Park. It is exactly that--a spit reaching way out into the channel. We weren't wearing enough clothes to make the trek as far as it went (and my knee was screaming after its trauma at Botanical Beach) so we'll have to complete that another time.

I knelt down low to get this shot from the spit back into the harbor. Don't you just love those wispy clouds punctuating the brilliant blue?

Sometimes I just want to kiss the persons who invented cameras, film and, especially, the digital camera!


Anonymous said...

Hi Beader Girl - I am enjoying your colorful photos of where Beth and I live!! It is like seeing it through your eyes - very good color in the garden photos - sounds like you had a good time and I hope the knee is O.K. now.
(isn't Calvin the cutest cat ever!)

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Hi Ocean! We had a great time and, yes, my knee is perfect again. It is a perfect joy in my life to spend time with my adult children and realize how great they are--this is a mother talking! We have such fun together. Thanks for your comments!

freefalling said...

What's a inukshuk? Is it an Inuit thing? Whatever it is I like it!
I have a very similar photo to Calvin's photo on my blog today!