Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Father of My Kids

Happy Father's Day!
Here it is, once again--Father's Day--and I muse about the man who is the father of my kids. Here are some things about him:

1. The day we brought our first child home from the hospital he watched me change the first diaper--he had never done one--and said he wanted to do the next one. And he did! From that day on he was a 'hands-on' father.

2. He gladly took in the ball games, the figure skating practices, the music lessons, the concerts, the plays, the parents' nights that were such a part of raising two great kids. He was there.

3. A quiet man, he has been known to throw an obnoxious man off our front porch when he tried to cheat our children in their first business. (Well, not physically throw!)

4. He loves to watch his children today as they build their lives, never criticizing, always praising, finding the good things. Talk about positive reinforcement!

5. He puts himself and his wants last in the family, always looking after the rest of us.

6. The thing I really love about him is his great sense of humour. When he pops into my office, his dark eyes shining, and his grin a mile wide, I know he is excited about something and it will be something that we will share.

Happy Father's Day, Ron!


Beth said...

He's pretty great, alright! Glad he's my dad. :-)

freefalling said...

And they say there are no good men out there - well, he's not really "out there" is he - he's with you!
Aren't you lucky? It's so wonderful to hear of a kind, warm, devoted man
(isn't it strange how many of the bloggers out there have one too? I wonder what the correlation is?) And don't you just think he is a "bit of alright"?
PS. Thank you for my ode - I've never had my very own ode before! Thank you for your encouragement.
PPS. I have posted today about some plants I'm trying to identify - you might be able to help me. Or perhaps some of your readers might know what they are.

Mary said...

You're a lucky lady! I'm glad you appreciate him.

sonia a. mascaro said...

I wish to Ron a Very Happy Father's Day!