Sunday, June 10, 2007

Gardening for Non-Gardeners

Yesterday we spent a lot of time working/playing in our back yard and I thought I'd show you the fruits of our labours. Usually we start fresh, full of ideas, and peter out in the heat but yesterday was a lovely 20-22 Celsius. (That's about 70 deg. F.) We loved it!

Walking into our back yard along the south side of our house you will see our potting table and our natural garden in the distance.

I call it a natural garden because it always gets weeded last. If you look closely, and I hope you don't, you'll notice some of the plants are nature's spontaneity! I love the weigela out at this time, and my rose coloured poppies I've been nursing for four years have several blooms! In the distance is one lonely peony in a deep wine colour, newly planted last year. Won't it be great when it has a zillion blooms?

Here are my pink peonies, a little bedraggled after the downpour Friday night, but still beautiful against the blue spruce shrub.

Around the far end of the pool is a rock garden my son helped me build many years ago. It is a little sad right now as I need to put in a few pops of colour. Probably I'll find some pretty petunias on Monday and plant them here.

A few years ago we ripped up the flowers around the pool and planted rocks with a few small evergreens. Have they grown! These stately cedars are wonderful. I keep them trimmed to a height where I can still reach the top of them. The potentillas in the middle will be a mass of yellow and pink flowers very soon and they'll last till frost. (Does the water look inviting?)

Looking at our house from the end of the yard you can see the addition we put on over twenty years ago. We still love it. And can you see the chairs? My husband is busy refreshing the paint on all four or them.

I am still hoping to get some blooms from the magnolia on the left below, although so far it has been struggling just to stay alive. Hopefully this will be the year it gains confidence and prepares to step out in style next spring.

The roses are budding, and the flowers on the chives are mauve and pretty. Isn't it great when food and flowers go together? Clematis on the far trellis is almost ready to pop while the sweet pea is thinking about climbing the trellis in the left foreground.

This clematis--purple--has already burst forth.The bed below is going to get a geranium I think since I pulled out the sad miniature rose bush. If they don't want to grow with my lack of coddling, out they go! (I didn't treat my kids that way!)

Leaving our back yard you would follow the newly raised sidewalk here to the left. We are, then, back to where we started. Did you enjoy the tour? I hope you can come and stay longer. Bring your bathing suit even.


The Quacks of Life said...

looks at photos.... gets seriously jealous!!

looks lovely

KGMom said...

Your backyard looks most inviting.
Thanks for sharing it.

Mary said...

What is the bush on the left (last picture) with the purple blooms? A rhododendrun?

Your pool looks refreshing and inviting! And your garden areas are lovely. Hey, we all have weeds that haunt us - new ones every day!

Thanks for the tour, Beader Girl!

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks for your comments, folks. Mary that is a clematis. Don't you have those where you are?

Sara said...

Lovely photos. I feel like I've been on holiday!

freefalling said...

This post couldn't have come at a better time - I'm just in the process of planting out a new garden at our "country house". I have a weigela too - it's variegated with light pink flowers - it's in a rotten place and as it is dormant at present - I thought I might try and shift it(!!)
I love the clematis too - I've tried growing them in the past in Melbourne without success - maybe I'll have another go in the country as it's a little colder here.
And sweet peas!!! Lots of childhood memories - I've missed the planting time for them this year but thanks it's given me a wonderful idea for a trellis.

Mary said...

A clematis, yes. I don't have one and the ones I have seen are very small, unlike yours. I'll put that on my wish list :o)

Anonymous said...

What an interesting post to see -- I love the tour around the garden and loved the pool. Looks so organized and cared for compared to my rather rambling property. Good job on the photos -- really looks nice. You seem to be able to grow anything there as well. Cheers.

Elaine Cougler Author said...

Thanks, everyone, for your comments! I feel blessed to be able to connect with the world!