Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Two Beautiful Things

When I was visiting Beth last month we stayed in a beautiful hotel where we found a wonderfully soft blanket on each of our beds. Imagine my excitement when Beth called to say she had found them at Costco!

I bought a pink twin size to use in our 'green room' where my husband likes to snooze in the wee smalls. He tried it out last night and gave it the thumbs up.

I wish you could feel just how soft and cuddly it is!

I liked these blankies so much I bought a kingsized one for our bedroom, too. This one is cream and it came with a cranberry grosgrain ribbon on it.

Here it is all packaged neatly with the ribbon. Sometimes presentation is everything but in this case, while the presentation is lovely, it simply heralds the actual cheek-cuddling luxurious softness of the blanket. I can hardly wait till the nights are cool enough to actually use this blankie.

I know these are little things compared to life's big bolds but they are still two beautiful things. Interesting that the name of the company is Life's Comfort.


Mary said...

You are not the only one who gets excited over a terrific, comfy, cozy, soft blanket. I love them.

KGMom said...

I know just the kind of blanket you mean. We too belong to Costco & I bought a couple of these blankets. I store it under a futon & my Allie cat has discovered it. It is now her favorite hidey bed.
When company comes, I have to wash the blanket before I can use it!

Beth said...

I'm so glad you found them! I bought a light blue queen size one for our bed, and in Victoria it IS cold enough at night to have it on! It's so soft and cuddly...