Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's Snow Going Today!

Here is my favorite shot out my window but you can see it is much different than the summer ones. Here's another.

For the second shot I did a closeup of a tree in my neighbour's yard. The snow is not too deep on the ground yet but it is falling. If you enlarge the picture you'll see it. Apologies for their clothesline, which totally ruins our view, but it is environmentally excellent.

This picture is to the right a bit and shows up front our snow-covered flat roof which hubby shovels once in a while so the buildup is not too great. Last year he didn't have to do this at all and this is the first time this winter so the job is not too bad. Today is very cold, though, so you can see he hasn't finished. He is doing it in shifts.

The title, then, indicates how snow sometimes changes our plans. I had hoped to go to Toronto with a friend for a free noon hour concert at Roy Thompson Hall--Oriana is singing--but that is not to be. We'll be snuggling up by the fire and I'll be making a homemade soup or stew for lunch. Hubby says he is cooking me a Valentine's supper so that should be wonderful. I have offered to do a great dessert. So, it's snow going today, but that's good.

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